Monday 6 February 2012

From humble beginnings...

So - here we are. From humble beginnings (as the title suggests), I embark upon a journey of enlightenment to satisfy my craving for tech-savy bliss. Now, youre probably about to close this undesired tab and move on with your life so Ill get straight to the point:

This blog, should I wish to continue it , has been appointed by moi for the primary use of publicizing feats of technological advancement, sharing Ideas, Endevours and cool stuff that may interest the general public, and also recording my education in the matters.

As this is a technology based - blog, I see it only fitting that others wishing to comment on my work and hopefully help me in my endeavour will recieve praise.

Onto buisness; My name is.... well... lets call me anonymau5. I prefer to remain anonymous for personal reasons. My main goal with this blog is education, as I wish to be educated in both technology and find myself. I will start with learning adobe flash. This is the part where I expect the 'haters gotta hate' people to come knocking on my doorstep, but I have been in awe of the capabilities of flash since I was a child and I think it apt the first thing for me to go indepth-with. (note that I do have some programming experience)